
Bilateral Filter

state-of-the-art parameter tuning

source image



Diameter of the pixel neighbor that is used for the filter. If value is set to 0 it is calculated from SigmaSpace (excluded in our case since it is computationally heavy). A diameter larger than 5 is super slow.


Filter Sigma in color and coordinate in order. Larger values means that further pixels will be mixed together. For simplicity set both sigma to the same value.

Sigma Color

Sigma Space

Border Type

The type of padding to use on border. Check out the documentation for further information on each border type. The default value is BORDER_DEFAULT.



*Disclaimer*: This site is not in any way associated with the OpenCV organization. Visit OpenCV.org for an updated documentation for the latest functions.

This site is built on the sheer annoyance and repetitive frustration the author experienced while tuning parameters on OpenCV. It is casually maintained in my spare time. You can DM me on Github for any feature suggestions.

© 2020~ Yu-Kai Wang
